
Effects of using mobile phones for marketing and advertising on customers among small and medium enterprises in Same district, Tanzania

Massgrave Msuya


Oct 17, 2022


Dec 20, 2022


Dec 21, 2022


This study investigated the effects of using mobile phones for marketing and advertisement on customers among SMEs in Same district. Specifically, the study investigated whether: SMEs use mobile phones for marketing and advertisement of their products; whether usage of mobile phones had an effect on the number of customers among the SMEs as well as whether there was a relationship between using mobile phones for marketing and advertisement and the number of customers among the SMEs. The descriptive-correlational design was employed and data were collected through a close-ended questionnaire. A total of 386 SMEs were sampled from a population of 11,000 SMEs. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in terms of mean scores and by an inferential statistical tool namely Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient to assess the relationship between the variables. The result revealed that SMEs use their mobile phones for marketing and advertisement except via email. Also, SMEs satisfied their customers with the products offered (M=3.84; SD=0.699), some customers shared their experience with their friends and relatives (M=4.18; SD=3.823), and therefore the number of customers increased. Finally, there was a strong positive relation (r= 0.617) between the use of mobile phones for marketing and advertisement and the number of customers. This study recommends that the SMEs in Same District should use mobile phones to improve marketing and advertisement for branded, promotional product content to their customers via email. Also, SMEs should encourage their customers to share their views about their experience regarding business.

Keywords: Mobile phones, marketing and advertising, information and communication technology, small and medium enterprises.

Cite this Article

Msuya, M. (2022). Effects of using mobile phones for marketing and advertising on customers among small and medium enterprises in Same district, Tanzania. University of Arusha Academic Journal, 41-57.


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